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Free Group Gift Cards

Collecting money with a group gift card is easy. Create a group card, collect gifts in a thank box, and share with your friends, family and team. 100% free.

No signup necessary.

Group cards for every occasion! group gifts and more.

Thank You
Happy Journey
Get Well Soon
Miss You
All Occasions

group gift cards

How do group gifts eCards work?

Isn't possible for everyone to attend the team event or group event?

Let's make it special. Create a group gift card (or team board) for free, within 30 seconds, and share with your friends and family, or team. You can either create an ecard, or a kudo board style group message board online, with multiple signers, as many as needed. These group gift greeting cards come loaded with special features like gift exchange, group collection, custom backgrounds, covers, beautiful animations and more.

Once done, schedule the group card delivery for the special person. It's really simple, and loads of fun. Although the group card is virtual, it can also be printed by the recipient.

Love the site and ease of use!! Great graphics! I was looking for something nice, free and work appropriate and found it with Reco cards!! Thank you!

group gifts


Director of customer relations, Workcation

Frequently asked questions

What are group greeting eCards?
Group greeting cards are virtual greeting cards, designed to save the hassle of having to buy a physical card, pass it around discreetly for people to sign, and deliver.
What are group greeting card features on RecoCards?
The free group greeting cards online are available on, and come with additional features including gifts, delivery scheduling, email invitations and many more. Group greeting eCards can also be printed by the recipient.
Where can I create a free group greeting card?
RecoCards is available globally. If you're looking for group greeting UK, or group greeting Canada, or anywhere in the world, RecoCards is there for you.
How to sign a group greeting card?
To sign a group greeting card, click on the "+ write a message" or "sign" button and write your message. You can additionally add a GIF or image.
How does group greeting work?
It's as simple as 1-2-3. You create a group greeting card or group kudos board, invite multiple signers to sign it, and then deliver it the recipient. You can also add gifts, collections, thank box.
How does group greetings login work?
For logging into the website, click on Login or Sign up at top right corner of the page.
Is RecoCards associated with groupgreeting or kudoboard?
RecoCards allow you to create group greeting cards or kudos boards, without any affiliation with others.
Are the online group greeting cards free of cost?
RecoCards is a free service with unlimited cards, multiple signers in the office (unlimited).
Are online group greeting cards different from group greeting ecards?
No they are the same. A group greeting board or kudos board has a different layout than a group greeting card online. RecoCards support both the layouts.


Find Your Perfect Plan — Start Free or Go Premium.
Unlimited cards and boards, unlimited messages on all plans.




per card

  • Unlimited Signers
  • Add Messages, Photos, GIFs
  • Send and Receive Gifts
  • Greeting Card and Board Layouts
  • Schedule Card Delivery
  • Email Support
Create a card

See all features

Single Premium Card


per card

Everything in Free, plus,

  • Download a copy (PDF / JPEG)
  • Premium Covers & Backgrounds
  • Upload Your Covers & Backgrounds
  • Add Background Music
  • Add Your Company Logo
  • Hide RecoCards Branding
  • Password Protection
  • Add Credits, Profile Link & Wishlist
Create a card

See all features

Unlimited Premium Cards



Everything in Premium, plus,

  • Unlimited Cards at a Flat Price
  • All Premium Features
  • Blue Tick Verification

See all features

Hate Subscriptions?

Pay once and enjoy lifetime access to all premium features, for a fraction of the cost. Unlock exclusive benefits and experience complete freedom without recurring fees.

or, scroll for our monthly plans.

“Loved it!” - A Kwankamon | Nike

“Loving RedoCards!” - Angie | DC Design

“Love the site and ease of use!!” - Jennifer | ASU

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Ready to create a card?